
H 2 the ELLO.... i love MAKING just about anything. sewing dresses, bags, & headless dollys are my most often made crafts. EVERYTHING made out of old concert/rock tshirts & some spandex work as well (love spandex). i am a Gemini, so my MAKING changes from day 2 day.
love the Big Ass Book of Crafts & i also am into f/x horror make-up.
Zombies r my thang.

my lovely Sister & i do most of our MAKING together...though at times are distracted by rockn out on the ROCKBAND/GUITAR HERO...
what can i say, it's F'n addicting!!! besides, we're AWESOME at it.

i'm also a Mama. my daughter (7yrs) is my top muse and is fabulous at designing all of the Headless Doll apperal.
Oh yea, my true love is Rock & Roll (MOTLEY CRUE!!!)
and i'm a Hairstylist.

"easy is not an option"
my sister, heather
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Witchy · New Zealand, Prince Edward Island, CA · 43 projects
Thanx for the fave on the bolt earringz!!

CO + K User

And the fave on my Bride of Frankenstein Purse Clip Happy

CO + K User

thanks for the fave on my Stick a Needle in My Eye (Pin Cushion) Have a great weekend Happy