My hair ain't green, and my eyes ain't yeller, it's more like the other way 'round.
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- commented on her comment apparently the book she is working on will be the content of the podcasts. i think she mentioned that on her site or in an interview recently. i don't wish her to 'crash' because that's mean, i would never wish misfortune on anyone. more than anythi... to Gala Darling 01 Sep 06:17
- commented on her comment Heather-- I thought her comment about getting N. a job was a bit offensive! I mean, Nubby already has a job, she's a kickass graphic designer, and does things which actually have substance. to Gala Darling 28 Aug 22:56
- commented on her comment Lauren-- Yes, I felt really bad for all of the poor, gullible girls who commented on that post... Let's hope G.D never makes a post about how amazing it is to jump off a bridge (you know, without a bungee cord), haha. to Gala Darling 28 Aug 11:15
- commented on her comment The comment deleting thing confuses me more than anything. If the comments are written in a polite and non-trolling manner, then why not simply engage with them? Even just saying 'well, that's your opinion, but I feel that...' is enough. Often it's nic... to Gala Darling 17 Aug 02:04
- commented on her comment I think the issue that I, and a lot of others evidently, have with G.D. is that she doesn't acknowledge that she comes from a position of considerable privilege. She has marketed herself as a 'self made' woman who just decided on a whim to drop out of... to Gala Darling 11 Aug 10:11
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