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- commented on her comment On an unrelated note although nothing that trashes Gala in this article can be unrelated: the All Points West article she wrote was possibly the worst piece of journalism I've ever read. And I read Cosmo for kicks. But Gala Darling, whatever her fl... to Gala Darling 09 Aug 20:03
- commented on her comment (sorry clicked post comment by accident) "The Triumph Of Magic Over The Brute"? C'mon. That's literally a filler article: she just C&Ped part of an interview. But a lot of you guys are being critical for the sake of being critical. A lot of your... to Gala Darling 09 Aug 19:54
- commented on her comment Mm, you know what is a catty thing to do? Sitting around trashing a person without any institutional/political power and therefore cannot affect yours or any other person's life directly with a group of other like-minded people. Just throwing that out ... to Gala Darling 09 Aug 19:33
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