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- commented on her comment Oh, no, I'm not trying to convince anyone to like her. Like I said, I know everyone here is entitled to their opinion, I was only here to state mine. I'm surprised, though, that so many people who are being negative towards her spend so much time and e... to Gala Darling 08 Aug 01:31
- commented on her comment Maddy - I've read some of those comments, actually, and like I said, just because someone is unfriendly once doesn't mean that they always are. I've never met Gala in person nor was I there so I can't defend her supposed actions, but also, if you met s... to Gala Darling 07 Aug 13:53
- commented on her comment J M - I've never listened to any of her Love & Sequins podcasts, so I don't think it would be fair for me to defend or criticise them either way. ): I'm just not a podcast kind of person so I opted out of that particular experience. I suppose I just pu... to Gala Darling 07 Aug 06:47
- commented on her comment I don't think it's fair to say that she's being dishonest about it, unless her tax forms have been published no one knows how much money she makes from iCiNG, or how much she gets from other sources, whatever they may be. It's all speculation. Then aga... to Gala Darling 07 Aug 06:13
- commented on her comment I think that everyone who isn't a fan of hers is completely and totally entitled to their opinion, I only signed up to express mine. I read and enjoy iCiNG. I don't try to follow Gala's advice word-for-word or emulate her lifestyle or anything a... to Gala Darling 07 Aug 05:59
Elizabeth A. hasn't posted any projects yet