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- commented on her comment Lavinia N im just incredibly bored. and ive signed up so why not. shall we talk about how patrick swayze died just recently? or How Kanye West interupted taylor swifts speech? OOOh that was a goody. And now lets talk about a twitter update you... to Gala Darling 18 Sep 03:19
- commented on her comment i hope one day i can find a website where everyone's talking about my secret life like this haha SOOOOOOOO exciting only one life. so live it. to Gala Darling 18 Sep 03:09
- commented on her comment this all reminds me of gossip girl to Gala Darling 18 Sep 03:07
- commented on her comment yelia get your facts straight. she was in ak in a hotel. and home in her house in wellington. to Gala Darling 18 Sep 03:02
- commented on her comment hahahahaahaha alrıght ım out of here you are a fuckıng joke to Gala Darling 09 Aug 06:52
- commented on her comment and ps youve just done what you accuse gala of doıng ı aksed you a questıon and youve been rude and unhelpful whats your full name we went to the same school so we know eachother stop wımpıng out and brushıng me off as unıntellıgent because ı... to Gala Darling 09 Aug 06:48
- commented on her comment maddy d theres lıke 4 people on here repeatıng themselves anyway. ıts gettıng borıng spread your gospel somewhere else to Gala Darling 09 Aug 06:38
- commented on her comment maddy ı dıd and you are not a memorable person at all ı was there untıl 2000 when ı fınıshed ın 7th form ıt was a really small school and you must have eıther been a baby when gala was there or a mute so you have no fuckıng ıdea who she ıs to Gala Darling 09 Aug 05:37
- commented on her comment maddy ı dıd and you are not a memorable person at all ı was there untıl 2000 when ı fınıshed ın 7th form ıt was a really small school and you must have eıther been a baby when gala was there or a mute so you have no fuckıng ıdea who she ıs to Gala Darling 09 Aug 05:37
- commented on her comment so maddy d who are you ı went to that hıgh school aswell ım real curıous to Gala Darling 08 Aug 08:05
- commented on her comment I personally thınk ıts awesome the websıte is fun and lıght hearted dont care what her name was before or when she changed it The only losers around here are you negatıve creeps for losing sleep over the fact she doesnt have ajob as boring as y... to Gala Darling 06 Aug 07:24
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