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- commented on her comment Oh yeah, because talking about Taylor Swift and the VMAs is like SUCH HARD-HITTING STUFF. ...but then, coming from someone who CHOSE to sign themselves up with the username "poo", what can you expect? to Gala Darling 24 Sep 08:36
- commented on her comment I agree re: "she's ugly and all her photos are from the same angle." Come on. Sure, her fashion choices all amount to the same boring template and that's frustrating, but how she photographs those fashion choices? Kind of irrelevant. That comment... to Gala Darling 02 Sep 11:10
- commented on her comment That's it for me, I agree with Wyn J. I am hereby boycotting anything to do with Gala. I hope she either wakes up soon, or her fans do. to Gala Darling 31 Aug 10:01
- commented on her comment "I got a bunch of really slutty underwear in the mail yesterday. It was so exciting. No really, you think I’m exaggerating but I am not. I am talking one-pieces with lots of straps & o-rings & pink leopard-print mesh covered in sequins (NOT EXAGGERA... to Gala Darling 31 Aug 09:45
- commented on her comment PS: I'm also shocked that she hasn't addressed the issues we've all brought up here. She's swanning around pretending that everything's dandy... maybe because when she does have to "address issues," she fails big time. Check out her lame excuses on t... to Gala Darling 30 Aug 10:23
- commented on her comment The Chinashop thing is getting VERY interesting. Seems when Gala is away from her tweenie-bopper fans, she can't cut it. Real adults won't put up with her shit: http://www.chinashopmag.com/2009/08/necklush/ This thread even got a mention...?! I a... to Gala Darling 30 Aug 10:20
- commented on her comment Thought you guys might like to ponder over this, from the comments box of a recent post on iCing... "# Gala, I found another website that said that you were a fraud, and that most of your income is actually from your wealthy parents!! Please say ... to Gala Darling 26 Aug 11:39
- commented on her comment Sorry guys, my bad. Had been reading Coilhouse as well, didn't realise I'd said that. It was indeed Chinashop and it's here: http://www.chinashopmag.com/2009/08/sex-and-the-city-2-open-call That "Stop Complaining" thing is a heap of bullshit. I... to Gala Darling 26 Aug 11:12
- commented on her comment Can you even SAY "people of all colours"? Isn't that a tiny bit nonPC these days? I would've thought "people of all backgrounds" or something was more the thing. Not saying she's racist or anything but maybe thoughtless... to Gala Darling 24 Aug 09:35
- commented on her comment Have you guys seen the SATC thing she wrote for Coilhouse? I could not BELIEVE how badly written that shit was (seeing her writing outside of iCing when she can't put her "fuck yeah unicorns and pink shit!" sheen all over it really makes you realise h... to Gala Darling 24 Aug 09:34
- commented on her comment The whole thing about University being a waste of time and only done by stupid people (um, yeah) -- just want to point out that Gala WENT to University in 2005. So um... stupid people? to Gala Darling 06 Aug 11:43
- commented on her comment PS: to be fair to her, she may get a bunch of her designer stuff from her Mom's business: http://www.shedesigner.co.nz/Merchant2/about_us.htm to Gala Darling 05 Aug 19:12
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