Carina L. hasn't written anything about themselves yet.
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- commented on their comment i would LOVE a how to. He be vurry cute! :) to Lip Pa Lishus Monsta 05 Mar 02:08
Carina L. hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2009
Awoken Cello
14 projects
Thanks for the fav. =D
the rat tailor
Evrytania, Thessalia Sterea Ellada, GR
30 projects
Thank you for adding my How To, Butterfly Clips
Sheila Squirrel
Thank you for adding my mini lolita parasol to your favourites
6 projects
Thanks for the fav.!
Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi, AE
16 projects
thank you for commenting on my monster, i will soon be making another monster and hopefully i will remember to make a how-to ^_^
Toronto, Ontario, CA
21 projects
Thanks for adding my felt rose ring project as fave =)
Madrid, Community of Madrid, ES
31 projects
hi thanks for favoriting my project ^^