
I am acutely interested in the following:

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic. Rhyme, Rhythm, Meter and Verse. Wine, Women and Song. Grace. Male Bonding. Espionage. Kung-Fu. Port. Madeira. Faith & Reason. Justification & Sanctification. Mysticism & Empiricism. Ritual & Iconoclasm. Incarnation & Transfiguration. General & Special Revelation. Integration in all Things. Free Verse, Psychology, Theology, Philosophy, Mythology, Occam's Razor, Systematics, Analysis, Reductionism, and other Absurdities. Painting, Sculpture, Photography, Architecture, Woodworking, and Graphic Design. Horology, Hi-Fidelity Audio, and Miniaturized Gadgetry. Internal Combustion, External Combustion, Spontaneous Combustion. Computers and Networking. Rockets. Submarines. Other Assorted Masculine Symbols. Concavities and the Converse of the Previous. Supercolliders & Quantum Mechanics. Fission. Fusion. Function. Form. Hunting, Fishing, Hiking, Snorkeling, Boating, Fencing, Cycling, Riflery, Paragliding, and Driving Too Fast. Baseball, Football, and sometimes Soccer.

And last but not least: Blowing Things Up.

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