
I am a very opinionated person about life in general. Many people think they know me but, they really dont. My own family doesnt know who I am today because I left the fold when I was young. They knew me then but really dont know who I have evolved in to today. I am a hard worker which I got from my dad and a compassionate person which I got from my mom. I love my family but as an adult it has been from long distance. I think people use the term friend too loosely. If you have 1 or 2 true friends in your life you are truly blessed.We all have many aquaintances in life, but very few true friends. Allways remember that. Some say I am cold at times. I am not, I am however protective. If you play with me I will deal with that but, If you screw with any member of my family, any member, then you should probably read my interest portion again. I llove life, even with all its challenges, because without them we would be a very boring group of individuals. Success comes to those who seek it. Success is not defined in what you accumulate in wealth or possesions. Each person will know when they have achieved it. Noones level is the same. Oh yeah I almost forgot; I am also very analytical!!!!!!!!

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