1 Beth + 1 Danielle
= 1 Miss Patty
I'm smart, creative, and witty.
I love performing, especially in musicals.
I'm a dancer.
I can be loud and crazy once you get to know me, but I'm quiet around people whom I don't know. I'm terrible with small talk.
I'm responsible and take care of myself and my friends.
I love my family and am really close with my parents.
I love spending time with friends, even if it's just watching TV together.
= 1 Miss Patty
I'm smart, creative, and witty.
I love performing, especially in musicals.
I'm a dancer.
I can be loud and crazy once you get to know me, but I'm quiet around people whom I don't know. I'm terrible with small talk.
I'm responsible and take care of myself and my friends.
I love my family and am really close with my parents.
I love spending time with friends, even if it's just watching TV together.
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Recent Activity
- joined Cut Out + Keep 26 Oct 00:56
Beth D. hasn't posted any projects yet