
If you were taken off my friends list, then that means I don't know you personally, aren't friends anymore or I'm unaware of you being taken off.

I am who I am. But you have to know me for me.

I love each and every friend I have on here but, "To those who want to friend me...my facebook will remain a personal site for me.

This means, if you are not a close friend, a family member or someone who I have known for a very very long time.. I will probably NOT add you to my friend list.

My other links however,are all free game to all those who want to add me to their friends Happy!

DA: http://kittykam.deviantart.com/"

Tumblr - http://kunoichicosplayer.tumblr.com/

TWITTER - https://twitter.com/UchihAvngr

Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/kittykam - I post Vlogs there so check them out!!

Y! Gallery - http://yaoi.y-gallery.net/user/kunoichicosplayer/

Cosplay.com - http://www.cosplay.com/member/77468/

Google+ - https://plus.google.com/u/0/?hl=en&tab=wX#100967188390743624736/about

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