Basically my life revolves around...
Vasquezian, Invader Zim, The Irken Empire/Race, Nergal Jr., (black) cats, gothic attire, skulls, dark colours, and drawing.
My favorite things to draw are Zim, Junior, my oc's MK & ZeeK, and scary, freaky, gory stuff.
Psychotic Elegance is my middle name. (NOT REALLY.)
Dooon't you judge me.
Vasquezian, Invader Zim, The Irken Empire/Race, Nergal Jr., (black) cats, gothic attire, skulls, dark colours, and drawing.
My favorite things to draw are Zim, Junior, my oc's MK & ZeeK, and scary, freaky, gory stuff.
Psychotic Elegance is my middle name. (NOT REALLY.)
Dooon't you judge me.
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- joined Cut Out + Keep 03 Aug 02:19
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