She made it. My beautiful child, look how far she's made it. Who would of thought when once imprisoned by lies knowing nothing but war, shackled by everything that had gone on before. Disappointment after disappointment. Lie after lie. She searched, questioned, pondered, doubt, fought, and ultimately found...but what? Was it her teachers and pastors, those whom I've placed in her life to help her grow, learn, appreciate, and thrive into the young woman she is becoming? Was it her friends and family, those, who no matter how hard she made it loved, cared, sacrificed, held her accountable, fought for her, supported, reminded her of my love...? Though I've blessed her immensely that is not what she ultimately found. It's not just chance that she stands here today able to say..."I've made it" no, Who my beautiful child has found,,or rather Who has found her is the only one that could complete her life....My Son!
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- joined Cut Out + Keep 30 Jun 20:57
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