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- commented on their comment I saw it in Camden too, but I (like a fool) bought it, damn thing broke in a week :( Am off to make these with my pirate lego's first thing tomorrow :). to Lego Man Necklace 26 Jan 01:58
- commented on their comment Oh wow, I was just thinking how great it would be to know how to do this and BAM, up pops your tutorial. So easy, feel a wittle bit stupid. *Goes off to desecrate local park*. to How To Press Flowers 24 Jun 20:01
- commented on their comment Woop! It worked, cheers :). And your bf's crazy... Umeboshi are yummy (and super good for you). xX. to How To Make Onigiri 11 Jun 18:23
Joined 2009
Sheila Squirrel
Thank you for favouring my mini parasol x
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
16 projects
Thanks for faving my Zelda cross stitch! ^-^
Toronto, Ontario, CA
21 projects
thanks for adding my cherry blossoms project as fave =)