Hi Oscarina! I love the stuff you made!
One tip (maybe you do it on purpose, maybe not): Most of the time you have the 'wrong' side on the outside. This will show the increases and decreases more than when you have the other side out.
Here for more info: http://www.allaboutami.com/post/4162866740/rightside
Keep up the great work (but try to make bookmarks of the patterns you like or use Pinterest to keep them organized, so you can find them back ;)
One tip (maybe you do it on purpose, maybe not): Most of the time you have the 'wrong' side on the outside. This will show the increases and decreases more than when you have the other side out.
Here for more info: http://www.allaboutami.com/post/4162866740/rightside
Keep up the great work (but try to make bookmarks of the patterns you like or use Pinterest to keep them organized, so you can find them back ;)