"i dont wanna change my self for the expectations of people around me
i dont wanna act like an innocent person just to say that im good
wanna know y..??
b-coz its better to hate me for who i am
than to like me for whom i pretend to be..!
? ??
_tHoSe hU r fReNnDlY PiPz!!
hu caN..
?UNderstaNd me..
?make me smiLe wHen im saD..
?AccEPT ME FOR hu i am..
aNd a..
?peRson that
won't liVe me tHrough mY bad tImes aNd gOOd times..
cOuld u?
iF so..tHeN add mE..lol
~fair, and logical
~never gives up, and thinks that i will succeed... even if it takes me a hundred tries.
~rational enough to see every part of a problem.
~tend to be pretty tightly wound.
~easy to get excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
~has a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly.
~doesn't stick with any one thing for very long.
~has the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.
~biggest problem is making sure to finish the projects i start.
~relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
~light hearted and accepting.
~doesn't get worked up easily.
~Well adjusted and incredibly happy...
~balanced, orderly, and organized.
~like my ducks in a row.
~powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
~People can see me as stubborn and headstrong.
~definitely have a dominant personality.
~i strive for perfection.
~confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
~have the classic "Type A" personality.
~very intuitive and wise.
~have a very active imagination.
~often get carried away with my thoughts.
~prone to a little paranoia and jealousy.
~very open.
~communicates well, and connects with other people easily.
~naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from my mind.
~A true chameleon, i am many things at different points in my life. (very adaptable.)
~friendly, charming, and warm.
~work hard not to rock the boat.
~At times, i can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, i pull it together.
~ hindi po ako mataray/suplada... akala nio lang po un... PROMISE!
"my personality creates an intense desire for association with people and new experiences, many of which have been rather bitter. This has given me a gregarious personality and a quick-thinking, creative, and versatile nature, but one that is unstable emotionally..."
what else???
~ i love sweet stuffs... anything sweet!!!
~ i love reading and writing...
~ i love hanging out with my friends and doing new stuffs...
~ i love traveling so much... i love going out and exploring...
~ i 'love' seeing things differently from how others view them...
~ i love taking pictures of stuffs that look cute or majestic...
~ i love surfing the net for stories and for sites where i can
publish my own stories...
~ i love making friends and doing adventurous things... i love going to places na di ko pa napupuntahan! watch out flat rocks?
~love anime... card captor sakura, prince of tennis, detective conan... lahat na ata ng anime!
~ i love harry potter.. i love Gods of Aberdeen... i love Alchemy... and twilight as well
~ i love paolo coelho's works...
~ i love watching documentaries... those who expose the truth to people... go lang...
..xka neun iba!
i dont wanna act like an innocent person just to say that im good
wanna know y..??
b-coz its better to hate me for who i am
than to like me for whom i pretend to be..!
? ??
_tHoSe hU r fReNnDlY PiPz!!
hu caN..
?UNderstaNd me..
?make me smiLe wHen im saD..
?AccEPT ME FOR hu i am..
aNd a..
?peRson that
won't liVe me tHrough mY bad tImes aNd gOOd times..
cOuld u?
iF so..tHeN add mE..lol
~fair, and logical
~never gives up, and thinks that i will succeed... even if it takes me a hundred tries.
~rational enough to see every part of a problem.
~tend to be pretty tightly wound.
~easy to get excited... which can be a good or bad thing.
~has a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly.
~doesn't stick with any one thing for very long.
~has the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time.
~biggest problem is making sure to finish the projects i start.
~relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow.
~light hearted and accepting.
~doesn't get worked up easily.
~Well adjusted and incredibly happy...
~balanced, orderly, and organized.
~like my ducks in a row.
~powerful and competent, especially in the workplace.
~People can see me as stubborn and headstrong.
~definitely have a dominant personality.
~i strive for perfection.
~confident, authoritative, and aggressive.
~have the classic "Type A" personality.
~very intuitive and wise.
~have a very active imagination.
~often get carried away with my thoughts.
~prone to a little paranoia and jealousy.
~very open.
~communicates well, and connects with other people easily.
~naturally creative person. Ideas just flow from my mind.
~A true chameleon, i am many things at different points in my life. (very adaptable.)
~friendly, charming, and warm.
~work hard not to rock the boat.
~At times, i can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, i pull it together.
~ hindi po ako mataray/suplada... akala nio lang po un... PROMISE!
"my personality creates an intense desire for association with people and new experiences, many of which have been rather bitter. This has given me a gregarious personality and a quick-thinking, creative, and versatile nature, but one that is unstable emotionally..."
what else???
~ i love sweet stuffs... anything sweet!!!
~ i love reading and writing...
~ i love hanging out with my friends and doing new stuffs...
~ i love traveling so much... i love going out and exploring...
~ i 'love' seeing things differently from how others view them...
~ i love taking pictures of stuffs that look cute or majestic...
~ i love surfing the net for stories and for sites where i can
publish my own stories...
~ i love making friends and doing adventurous things... i love going to places na di ko pa napupuntahan! watch out flat rocks?
~love anime... card captor sakura, prince of tennis, detective conan... lahat na ata ng anime!
~ i love harry potter.. i love Gods of Aberdeen... i love Alchemy... and twilight as well
~ i love paolo coelho's works...
~ i love watching documentaries... those who expose the truth to people... go lang...
..xka neun iba!
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