
My daughter got me interested in this site. I enjoy doing anything creative and artsy. Since I don't like the cookie-cutter trends, I try to find a way to create my own look. I made all of my daughter's costumes, and helped her with numerous projects. She recently started doing crafts when she didn't have money to spend on gifts for her friends.

I am a first grade teacher, so finding creative ways to use the limited resources is a necissity. I have found creative ways to integrate food into many lessons. Students have enjoyed that the most. Students seem to enjoy reading and writing more when there is an activity to go along with it. In the past we have made "quilts", tissue paper/stained glass butterflies (a project that allowed us to send the butterflies to Mexico), planted a garden plot, and painted a birdhouse for the school garden. I scrapbook my memories from each school year.

I'm excited to share some of my ideas, and get ideas from my new friends here at Cut Out + Keep.