
BLAHBLAHBLAH. I never know what to write in these things. It's not like anyone ever reads them X'D well then again, you must be reading this right now! Hello there! :'D someone is reading an 'about me'! This should go down in history.
But then again, I guess if you're reading this, then you must be pretty close to me. Hi if you're Emily, Rach, Ellys, Monika, Robyn, Katy, Sally, or Abbieee! :'D you're so nice to read my 'about me'!
But if you're not them then I do wonder why your reading this XD I gues, thank you for reading this, but I still do wonder.
For those of you who don't know, I'm known as Dowey (PRONOUNCED DOO-EE, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!) I pride myself in my writing, music and art X'D and I'm just generally very excitable at times.
I hate writing about myself XD
Now I'm off to write fanfiction. So if you DID read all of that, I'm sorry for wasting your time :'D but thank you anyways!

- Cara (otherwise known as 'Cazza', 'Ginger', 'Carazard', 'Carwr', 'Dowey', 'Ginger Ninja' more recently, or maybe evn just 'Do' or even 'Dowster'. My surname evolves, doesn't it?)

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