
Proverbs 16:24
Kind words are like honey--sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.

I have a deep passion for the future of our kids and technology, and so, I have been a high school technology teacher for the past six years! I love working with various types of software and hardware. I always say my mind is a puzzle---sometimes it is more of a jigsaw and doesn't always pan out into a well structured puzzle, but none the less it is a puzzle. The reason my mind is a puzzle, is because I am always trying to "piece" things together and explain ideas or concepts- ask me a question and you might get a very random answer!

I place my friendships, relationships, and family above all else. Those are the people who support me in anything I do. They have gotten me through so much in so few years!

I am married to a wonderful man named Trevor since June 4, 2011. When I got married, I moved from Boise, where I have been living for the past 5 years to Helena, Montana. A new, very different adventure awaits me here. I now work at Capital High School teaching Finance and Career classes and teach one night class at University of Montana, Helena teaching a technology class. I have a twin sister--Lindzy, and an older brother-Taylor. My dad and mom are the greatest, most caring and loving parents ever! They support me in everything I do and have made me who I am today! They are my heroes in my life. With everything given to them, and placed upon them, they have always found the positive side and have always taken on any challenge with open eyes. I hope that I too can do this in my future endeavors!

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