Evil thrives,when good people do nothing!Oh yeah and "I LOVE TO ROCK"
I guess Im just a grateful gal nowadays.I really enjoy the great people in my life.I work alot w/homeless animals,trying to implament some protection.Maybe change a law,ect...Turnons;good people,"decient people.Good parenting skills.The one's that nurture and do wright by the humans they put on this earth.Turn offs:LIARS,I dellt with a low down liar for 8yrs.Pure Hell.People that don't take care of thier animals.Anyhow I love life.After being either married or in a relationship my WHOLE life,I am sooooo enjoying being single for the 1st time.(all good,only 1 bad.)Im cool.
I guess Im just a grateful gal nowadays.I really enjoy the great people in my life.I work alot w/homeless animals,trying to implament some protection.Maybe change a law,ect...Turnons;good people,"decient people.Good parenting skills.The one's that nurture and do wright by the humans they put on this earth.Turn offs:LIARS,I dellt with a low down liar for 8yrs.Pure Hell.People that don't take care of thier animals.Anyhow I love life.After being either married or in a relationship my WHOLE life,I am sooooo enjoying being single for the 1st time.(all good,only 1 bad.)Im cool.
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