Recent Activity
- commented on their comment ok please ignore this if its one entry per person but i went to a party as amy winehouse coke on the nose, blood from the fight she had with her boyfriend ( google it!) generally the least classy costume possible to Costume Competition 07 Nov 23:37
- followed BlinkyChick 27 Oct 01:10
- followed Greg B. 25 Oct 10:29
- followed Mandee 24 Oct 23:00
- commented on their comment this is me as an i-pod commercial! i was painted black and i had a piece of yellow posterboard stuck to my back to Costume Competition 24 Oct 16:01
LBJ hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2007

bhasker c.
New Delhi, Delhi, IN
you guys are done fabulos work

Brooklyn, New York, US
haha, i really liked your ipod costume, that was cool

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
Ha ha ha, your iPod commercial costume is awesome!