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- commented on their comment Its gorgeous! Im a newbie so im frightened to take on a corset though :p to Lucretia 01 May 10:24
- commented on their comment Its so gorgeous!!! How did you manage to put the wire in the arms so they could move around? to Felt Domo Kun 16 Mar 02:18
Spiteful hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2009

Sheila Squirrel
Hi, the pattern is one piece but I have to admit if you are new to sewing I would go for simpler stuff first. Most of the stitching is staight. It would be the bone balancing, lace trimming and eyelets that could be a bit awkward. The pattern generator is really easy to use though. It doesn't cost a great deal, especially if you can recycle fabrics. You could probably make it with boning just on the front and back if you used something like a denim weight fabric. That eould make it easier

Sheila Squirrel
Thank you for favouring my Victorian style corset