
My maiden name is SHERI GOLDEN and I'm originally from SAN DIEGO, CA. I went to El Cajon Valley high school, and would have been class of 1979, but I graduated early. I got married WAY to young (19), and got divorced when I was 27. I have the most wonderful son in the world! He is so good to me, and we live about 30 minutes away from each other. I am so proud of him; not only because he is such an all around good kid who never got into any trouble, he started college as soon as he graduated high school. He got his Bachelors degree a little over a year ago, and within six months, he had a job with a good company. He is doing so well, that he has already been promoted twice!
As far as shopping goes, I'm seriously ill, and for about the lase three and a half years I have been home bound about 98% of the time, except to go to one of the huge Mayo clinics here in town, or to go to the hospital (what fun). So, after buying things for my son for his hunting and fishing, there isn't much left since I'm on disability. But I've become a MASTER at where to find the best promo codes and coupons, and I rarely, if ever pay full price for anything. (I even have coupons in hand when they deliver my groceries to go with the discounts from the ad. lol) So I tend to spend almost all of my "spending money" at the one place I love the most, Go Jane.com, because they have the best shoes, at the best price! I may be very ill, but when I DO get to leave my apartment, I do my best to look the best I can. And to me, That means HEELS, yes I said heels, and the higher the better! It really doesn't matter, as I try to tell every single person in my family who are so mad at me for wearing them. Because I'm unable to walk the distances required in those large clinics, so I need someone to push me around to the different doctors appointments. And no I'm not lazy, and just have someone push me around; in 1999, I lost my left hand due to one of my diseases. So, if I were to try and wheel myself around, I would just be going around in one big circle lol. I always get so many compliments that it in some way makes me feel better. I also tell anyone who asks, the average is 10 per outing where I get them, and their e-mail address. I swear, GoJane should send me business cards for me to hand out, it would be a lot easier that's for sure; I was late for a doctors appointment one day while a lady fished out a pen and paper, and then had to write it all down. They also should put me on the payroll, because I'm sure that seeing a woman getting wheeled around in a wheelchair, who weighs 100 pounds, in five inch heels, and yes, I do like to show them off, it quite a sight lol. I like to get my clothes from Body Central. I just found a really neat shoe company, called Iron Fist. You might want to check them out.

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