Hello! My name is Jordan and I'm an 18 year old, starry-eyed girl who is continually inspired by the beauty of the world. I'm a dreamer and a wanderer, always looking for new adventures and wonderful people to meet. I love the summertime, and I could live my whole life by the sea. I spend my time reading, creating things with my hands, star-gazing, practicing music, thrifting, writing letters, and photographing my life.
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Joined 2013
Reading, England, GB
212 projects
I could spend my whole life my the sea too! I love it ^^ And I love your projects too.... how can you photograph them so nicely? The photos that I take of my projects are so bad!!
Kin Dragon
Denton, Texas, US
760 projects
your stuff is cool. And it gives me Ideas for my Newest art Journal. (Its so New that nothing in it has been posted)