Recent Activity
- posted a post to Some projects don't show instructions 02 Apr 13:55
- commented on Pencil Roll 02 Apr 13:52
icedancer hasn't posted any projects yet
Joined 2013

Libby W.
Whitehaven, England, GB
86 projects
Hi icedancer, I got your comment on my pencil roll project. That particular project is a version, so at the top of the project, it says this is a version of 'so and so's' project. If you click the link it will take you to the original project. The projects listed on CO+K can be either 'how-to's' or creations. A how-to will have step by step instructions or a video. A creation will just have a comment from the maker. However, a lot of people will post a project as a creation but incluse a link to the original tutorial or website in the blurb.