? ?“Oriunde sunt, indiferent de vreme, mereu aduc cu mine fericirea si un zambet.” ? ?
Oriunde m-as duce, orice as face.
Imi place sa fiu la 4 ace.
Ciprian always feed the hungry collegue.He is generous and a very good listener espacially for the ladies. The Ciprian is concidered a "real" men, which is rare in our days.We can all count ourself lucky to have Ciprian in our life as he is a great friend, collegue and surely a great husband and father
?ll?ll??_| |_ ?ll?ll
Oriunde m-as duce, orice as face.
Imi place sa fiu la 4 ace.
Ciprian always feed the hungry collegue.He is generous and a very good listener espacially for the ladies. The Ciprian is concidered a "real" men, which is rare in our days.We can all count ourself lucky to have Ciprian in our life as he is a great friend, collegue and surely a great husband and father

?ll?ll??_| |_ ?ll?ll
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