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find the love of my life DONE
mark on the 21/5/2009
Taylor may 10/06/11

so yeah hay im amy and if my MSN beeps one more time i think im gonna cry......
soooo my hearts currantly taken and ma head feels like its gonna explode i've had the same jeans on for like 3 days think i should change really lol oh well

so yeah im pretty boring realy all i do is work and go out with ma mates

yeah as you can tell im just raandomly typing now lol but meh its all good lol

so yeah i work for the famouse mr morrrison and i really do like ma job to be fair only problem is that i work like shit loads and yeah i get two days off a week im always busy on those days o i have little tme to play with ma friends.

so memories
i miss craig and aaron and joe and jennie and i miss tom and everyone els from the good old days were soooo gonna have to hang out some time like all of us goo out onthe lash or have a beach party lol something anything i miss you all terrably Happy

please read this and tell me what you miss
i miss the times when everything went your way when boys didnt matter and the only thing that did was if you could do long divition hehe.

i miss the days when you could do handstands and it didnt matter if your skirt fell down.
and the days when money didnt matter .

and now is like im in love and im puttin on wight and im falling out with my mum and dad and i miss the good old days do you see where im comming from.

i want to run, skip,sing and smile like i used to i want to have a dream not a job i want to eat ice cream with out gettin brain freeze i want to be young agen .

i want to lie on the grass hill nir my nans and watch the stars come out i want to say goodnight to the moon agen i want to watch kids programs and not get anoyed by the fuckin voices.

i want to be 13 agen

i want my mum to hug me just because i want my dad to do the dad run at sports day haha how much fun was that

music i love

jesse labelle
Faber Drive
The Airborne Toxic Event
He Is We
Chester See
Michelle Branch

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