God is good!
I have lived a life full of everything you can imagine; I regret nothing nor wish to shut the door on it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I am just beginning to realize my purpose in life day by day. I am a born again Christian who works on herself on a daily basis. I have two wonderful boys that God has chosen for me raise. I appreciate what I have and Thank God on a daily basis because I am truly one blessed individual!
I have lived a life full of everything you can imagine; I regret nothing nor wish to shut the door on it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and I am just beginning to realize my purpose in life day by day. I am a born again Christian who works on herself on a daily basis. I have two wonderful boys that God has chosen for me raise. I appreciate what I have and Thank God on a daily basis because I am truly one blessed individual!
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