Hallooo! I actually am the mother of two super spunky little boys (and they're toddlers to boot!) so i have no-nada-zippo time to craft. Its a good thing I am the Mayor of Pretending I Have Time To Myself-ville, I like to browse the site and just imagine all the fun I'd have...
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- commented on their comment perfect for good and bad hair days! to 40's Style Head Scarf 12 Aug 23:37
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Joined 2009

Omaha, Nebraska, US
207 projects
Thanks for favoring my 3D Valentine's Day Card

Bristol, England, GB
20 projects
Hey Erika, thanks for adding my Fimo Heart Jewellery project and the comment. x

Beads Unlimited
Brighton, England, GB
97 projects
...and my peyote rings. Thanks again!

Beads Unlimited
Brighton, England, GB
97 projects
Thanks for faving my Audrey Hepburn style necklace!