To start things off, I don't really care about what you think of me. I don't label myself, despite what you may think. I like what I like, and if you have a problem with that...well, that's your own opinion! I'm sorry I couldn't be you. And no offense, but I wouldn't want to be you in the first place.
My first and foremost rule: FRIENDS COME FIRST. Yeah, I’m spontaneous. I like to live my life one day at a time because you never know when it’ll end. Erin & Abby are the greatest people I will ever know. When it comes to relationships, I don’t fool around. If you can’t commit, then you’re out the door. I don’t waste my time or wait around for anyone. I love music, art and literature. Stop calling me anorexic. There are times when I eat like crazy, and then there are times when I’m just not hungry. If you don’t know The Ramones, then you’re dead to me. Domino Harvey is the perfect role model. Please don’t tell me otherwise. :] That whole “love at first sight” thing is total bullshit. Monotony makes me restless. I’m more of a “visual thinker.” Words have never really worked for me.
Sex & The City SO isn’t porn. I intend to backpack through Europe with some close friends before I head off to college or med school. Just because I have my own opinions about the Catholic Church doesn’t mean I’m a Satanist. I enjoy it when Karma bites people in the ass.
Don’t assume I’m quiet. I tend to surprise people. I am a Christian. I love my Life and my Friends. I enjoy watching the sun rise and fall each day. I like lying on my driveway and staring up at the stars. You can catch me laughing at something that isn’t that hilarious. I question a lot of things, even if they really don’t make sense to you. I don’t take racism and hypocrisy lightly. I may go to extremes if someone is messing with my friends. I don’t tolerate excessive amounts of blasphemy. Don’t tell me whom I’m going to be, just help me to get there. I’m stubborn, so deal with it. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF.
My first and foremost rule: FRIENDS COME FIRST. Yeah, I’m spontaneous. I like to live my life one day at a time because you never know when it’ll end. Erin & Abby are the greatest people I will ever know. When it comes to relationships, I don’t fool around. If you can’t commit, then you’re out the door. I don’t waste my time or wait around for anyone. I love music, art and literature. Stop calling me anorexic. There are times when I eat like crazy, and then there are times when I’m just not hungry. If you don’t know The Ramones, then you’re dead to me. Domino Harvey is the perfect role model. Please don’t tell me otherwise. :] That whole “love at first sight” thing is total bullshit. Monotony makes me restless. I’m more of a “visual thinker.” Words have never really worked for me.
Sex & The City SO isn’t porn. I intend to backpack through Europe with some close friends before I head off to college or med school. Just because I have my own opinions about the Catholic Church doesn’t mean I’m a Satanist. I enjoy it when Karma bites people in the ass.
Don’t assume I’m quiet. I tend to surprise people. I am a Christian. I love my Life and my Friends. I enjoy watching the sun rise and fall each day. I like lying on my driveway and staring up at the stars. You can catch me laughing at something that isn’t that hilarious. I question a lot of things, even if they really don’t make sense to you. I don’t take racism and hypocrisy lightly. I may go to extremes if someone is messing with my friends. I don’t tolerate excessive amounts of blasphemy. Don’t tell me whom I’m going to be, just help me to get there. I’m stubborn, so deal with it. I CAN TAKE CARE OF MYSELF.
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- followed Megan LaCore 07 Feb 04:44
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Joined 2007

Los Angeles, California, US
49 projects
Thanks for the fav

26 projects
I love your About Me so much, that I want to friend you and read it many times a day. XD

Susanna P.
Rome, Lazio, IT
43 projects
hellooo thanks for favouring my project! ;)

Courtney Couture
Keller, Texas, US
20 projects
sorry i agree with Courtney.'s comment

Courtney Couture
Keller, Texas, US
20 projects
I agree with the comment above me you sound EXACTLY like me and we have the same name (if that matters.....)

Mrs Edward Cullen
Birmingham, England, GB
12 projects
Like wow I mean.. Tbh im courtney Too AND YOU SOUND EXACTLY LIKE ME!! Exept im not as Thin as You