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- commented on their comment A nice change from chocolate filled cakes xD to Cakeball Chocolates 26 Apr 15:25
- commented on their comment No problem ^^ to How To Draw Chibis<3 16 Apr 09:04
- commented on their comment When I saw this I was like ; "omg, I need a ruler!" *doesn't live in america* to Dollar Bill Ring 15 Apr 12:56
- commented on their comment I <3 Sweeney Todd. You rock my socks! (even though I'm not wearing any) to Sweeney Todd Doll! 15 Apr 12:48
- commented on their comment I 100% love. to "The Valiant Little Tailor" Ring 22 Mar 07:28
- commented on their comment I love your bracelet! I figured out a way to not have to use a clasp when rejoining the ends in case your interested. The one I made has been "temporarily borrowed" by just about everyone and tonnes of people have commented on it. FABULOUS IDEA!! to Wrapper Bracelet 28 Feb 03:25
- commented on their comment This is really creative! I've GOT to try it out. to Wrapper Bracelet 03 Jan 05:26
Nope hasn't posted any projects yet