
My name is Hailli but I often go by Owl. I'm 21, a full-time psychology student and a nail technician. I love Doctor Who, anything steampunk, Batman ((I have a particular love for Harley Quinn)), video games, books, writing, cooking, sewing, painting - the list goes on and on. When I'm not at work I'm usually on my computer - up all night, sleep all day. My favorite color is pink and I have a deep love for keys, hearts, and seafoam green that I can't really explain.

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Maribug · Port of Spain, Port of Spain, TT · 35 projects
Hey! i'm responding to your comment on my peasant shirt tutorial.

the elastic isn't too tight at all, i still use my own that is pictured in the tutorial. you should look for a soft elastic...there are some yucky tough pieces out there...stay away from those.
also, you sew down the middle of the elastic with a zigzag stitch. the elastic can be around 1/4" or 1/2" so the zig zag should take up most of the width.

Hope you make one soon! Happy