When did you first get in to cooking and do you remember the first recipe you tried?
I remember cooking with my mom and learning how to make tuna noodle casserole. I thought it was the best thing ever!
What's your kitchen like and how do you keep organized when cooking?
I try to put things back as I cook. I'm a notoriously messy person in the kitchen, so I try to clean as I go!
What tips would you give to someone wanting to become a better cook?
Just experiment! You wont' know until you try, so you have to accept that some dishes will be total failures, and that's ok!
Who would you invite to your dream dinner party and what would you cook for them?
I would love to cook for Malcolm Gladwell. I just think he's such a fascinating person. I'd probably make pasta, since the first TED talk I ever saw was him, talking about spaghetti sauce.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
I love to run, and I've been trying to get into photography.