DIY Superstar


Revamp your home with Carolyn from Homework

Carolyn Garris
Los Angeles, CA
Marketing Consultant and Blogger

Tell us a bit about your home and what you love about it the most?

I love the coziness of my home. It's a lived in, family home not a showcase home. My favorite room is my office/craft room.

What was the first DIY project you did to your home or first thing you made for it?

The first thing I made were the curtains and window coverings. I stopped counting how many times I've redone them over the years.

Do you have any tips for staying tidy & organised?

Don't let things pile up or clean up becomes a major project. Spend a few minutes at the end of each day putting craft supplies away or before you know it, things are out of control.

If you could tour any celebrities home, who would it be?


If you had three wishes, what changes would you make to your home?

More closet space, more storage space, a huge garage.

Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?

I'll try any type of craft. I love anything creative and love learning new things.

Carolyn Garris
  • false Art
  • false Decor
  • false Furniture
  • false Soft Furnishing
  • false Ornaments
  • false Gardening
  • false Gifts
  • false Organizing
  • false
Ucycling, Paper Crafts, Sewing, Cooking/Baking

What's your favorite...

TV Show
Burn Notice, Castle - I like those spy / police shows
Going to have to go with a classic - The Beatles?
I love L.A. - where I live.
I watched The Lord of the Rings trilogy over and over with my son so it's become special to us.?
Pale Aqua and Black
Craft Tool
No favorite tool - but I tend to use simple tools rather than fancy new ones.