When did you first start making jewelry and how did you learn?
I first learnt to make jewelry after starting a part time job at The Birmingham Bead shop. I learnt by taking courses, watching Youtube videos and experimenting in the shop. I started to document these pieces and that’s when I began to blog.
Can you remember the first piece you made?
The first piece I made was an ‘F’ Scrabble tile necklace for a Travel Scrabble set.
Where do you look for inspiration?
What's your craft space like and how do you organize your supplies?
I’ve just moved into a new flat, and my office/craft space is a pile of boxes right now. I hope one day it is beautiful and organised like the ones on Pinterest!
What music/podcasts/TV shows do you love to craft along to?
BBC 6 Music radio show, folk music, The Jeff Rubin Jeff Rubin Show, Daily Bacon, Gilmore Girls Breaking Bad.
Do you do any other crafts and what are your hobbies?
I have a degree in Textile Design so I love sewing, knitting, crochet, print based textile and embroidery.