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Burlesque, inspiration, performance or beauty problem? Augony aunt KarneyDoll is here to help.

My best friend in ploting a routine is my brainstorming book. I often find myself with the equivilent of writers block. The best way to solve this is by starting with a topic or subject matter.Write everything down!! Create a visual mind map even. For a topic example try sweets? Then create your whole routine around that. Costumes, music, dance routine etc. To research for the routine, look online for candy info, films, actors/actresses etc. I like to think of 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' and 'Dr Zuess', maybe 'The Wizard of Oz' for costumes. One routine I have is jumping out of a giant candy box, with a candy costume, anything giant sized as a prop helps that relates to the routine if it suits, as well as accessories. I love accessories! As for music, think old,classic songs, or modern that mention anything sweet n tasty. Add a bit of cheesecake for the moves and subtle smiles, dips of the head,winks to the eye, maybe throw some sweets into the crowd, they love it when you throw things at them, especially when you look aesthetic and it compliments your look. Lastly and most importantly, don't forget to smile!
KarneyDoll has decided to take on an Augony Aunt position and help you pinup girls with any problems your having in relation to burlesque, performances and costumes, or any of you normal girls with general beauty, makeup or fashion problems.