aka PainInTheAss-Dress or Murphys Law Dress
I suck at sewing. I really do. But I wanted this so badly...
It was cute when I planned it... And it was a beast when I sewed.
I made SO many really stupid mistakes it's really embarassing. ^____^
The dress has not been zombiefied yet, I'm gonna do that together with all the friends who will join the walk... and a camera! xD
I'm gonna add a single fishnet stocking, my combat boots and a lot of rockstar jewellery, plus of course MakeUp and a set of black contact lenses ( as soon as the stupid lad in the store manages to get them *grumbles* ). Grunge zombie 4tw!
Pictures will come!
Kay T. favorited Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) 22 Nov 21:17
Roughwaters44 favorited Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) 08 Jul 04:30
Steph. favorited Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) 19 Jun 20:40
melinda.hotte added Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) to going to make 19 Feb 02:09
Jess W. favorited Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) 19 Jan 01:43
Barjaa B. favorited Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) 27 Oct 22:54
Debi added Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) to Dress Ideas 27 Oct 21:11
KirbyBella added Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) to Dresses 03 Oct 07:23
Zombie Babe added Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) to All Hallow's Eve 01 Oct 01:37
Zombie Babe added Zombie Walk Dress ( Wip ) to new wardrobe 01 Oct 01:36
You Will Need
Step 3
What you're gonna do: Get the first shirt, place the template on it ( it's gonna be a neckholder, so you can place it on the very top ( with seam allowance of course ) if the shirt. First, cut off the part that's left on the bottom of the shirt so you'll have a rectangle. ( see, the smaller one of both ) Keep it the width of the original shirt! Cut the upper part that will be the top part of the dress.
Then take the other shirt and cut another rectangle with the bottom seam, make it longer than the other rectangle. Use picture if you don't know what I'm trying to say. >____<
Grab the remaining side parts you cut off the 1. shirt and cut about 1 inch strips. As many as you want. 2 are gonna be needed as the dress straps ( maybe make those a little bit thicker ), the rest will be for the dekolletée and further decoration, e.g. wrist bands and stuff. Just pull on the flat striped to make them roll into nice straps.
Step 4
I didn't make pictures of the following steps because I heavily screwed up there. -.-
First, sew the top part sides close and decide which side will be the back. Cut off the top part of the backside. Easy. Hem the upper part, adding the holder straps to the highest point on the front.
Then, do the pain in the ass part: take the two skirt-to-be rectangles, line them up so the bottom seams of the shirt are the bottom ones of the skirt. Savvy?
Cool. Get a loooong thread, stitch about 1/4 inch stitches around the upper border so you can... aah, lack of english terms... shirr (?) the skirt.Line this up with the top part and sew. I can't really help you here cause I was lost myself ( and you can tell that from looking at the dress... :/ ) Just turn the top onside out and pull it over the skirt part ( which should be right side up ).
_ | _______ top front
_ | ___ shorter rectangle front
_ | _____ longer rectangle front
_ | _____ longer rectangle back
_ | ___ shorter rectangle back
_ | _______ top back
SEW HERE!Get it? :P
Step 5
If you managed this, you're the hero! Really! Be friggin proud.
Now I guess you could already wear the dress.
But me, I wanted a more rotten look. ;)
Since the fabric was very see-through in the first place AND I needed a ligning of the front for my original plan, I just sewed another rectangle of leftover shirt fabric to the inside.
The I drew a triangle shape from the upper hem down a few inches, pinned the two front layers together, cut out this part of the fronts front layer ( o.O ) and randomly added strips ( we made them earlier, remember? ), secured them with pins and then just went over all of it with a zigzag stitch, randomly going crazy on the bottom of the triangle.