Made this on a whim with no real plan.
You Will Need
Step 1
You can start off with white clay and just paint later or use colored clay. For this project I did start with white and painted it later.
First step, flatten a piece of clay, avoiding getting it TOO thin because it does need to have a hole for an eye screw.
Step 2
Cut a slice out of the clay in the shape of a tombstone using a clay knife. This should be gray if you use color clay.
Step 3
Using some of the leftover clay make a sphere. When the sphere is done you can roll out the clay until it's made into a thick piece of thread or a snake. This is what you are going to use for your letters.
Step 4
Use your clay knife to slice a small portion of the "snake", making sure it's small enough to leave room for the other letters and big enough so that you can make the letter "Z". Repeat cutting another slice for each letter. These letters should be neon green if you are using color clay.
Step 5
Forming the letters is easy enough, but getting them onto the tombstone without smooshing them or blocking the letters is a bit tricky. What I did was alternating one letter on top of the other. I formed the word before placing it onto the tombstone, this made it easier to make corrections. When the word is ready place it on the tombstone and gently pat into place avoiding flattening it but firm enough to make sure it stays in place.
Step 6
Make a hole in the top of the tombstone for the eyelet screw.
Step 7
Bake the clay. Read the directions for your clay because it may vary from what I used.
Step 8
When it is done baking, regardless of having used color clay or not you will still have to paint the stitches on the letters. I just placed the stitches randomly on the letters to create a more harried zombie look.
Step 9
When the paint is dry screw in the eyelet screw. If needed touch up the paint and you're done!