I seen they few versions of this necklace and fell in love. I am obsessed with everything zombie and knew I had to give this a go and this is the outcome. I hope you enjoy :D Based off of Zombie blood glows in the dark's zombie necklace. P.s the pictures don't do them justice they are so much brighter and prettier in person :(
Step 1
For the necklaces that are the bubble letters all you have to do is shape each letter out of clay and join them. I used glue to join the letters together because without it they don't stick very well and when it dried they fell apart. After its dry you can paint it. Add stitches, blood, and ooze (lols ooooozzzzeee). After you are satisfied all you have to do is a paint it with a few coats of varnish to make it nice and shiny (ooooooo shiny)(wait for each caot to dry before adding the next). When the last coat is completely dry you can add your holes with a pin or something sharp and pointy for the jump rings to go in. Then add jump rings and chain with a clap and your good to go :D P.s. If you want to you can add plastic to the back to reinforce it.
Step 2
For the flat zombie necklace first you have to roll out some clay so you have a level, flat surface. Then use pencil, pen or marker and draw the letters on. When you have done that use a ruler and draw a rectangle around the letters (leave some space around the letters to paint black). Next you want to cut out the rectangle with an Exacto knife of something sharp and set your clay aside to dry. Once dry outline the letters with black and also paint the background black. Next paint inside the letters with what ever colors you would like and again add stitches, ooze, and blood. Once you have it to your liking add a few coats of varnish (again let dry inbetween coats). Once dry I added hard plastic to the back to make it more sturdy (file down the edges of the plastic if its sharp). Now you can add holes, jump rings and chain and you can now enjoy your neck zombie necklace. Hope you had fun :D
do you have a programme for your pictures editing, then you can use the hue tool to make it brighter . I must do that often too, because not always the colours are the real ones.
but love your project , awesome!!!!;-D