Wrought iron keyfob
I made this Chevy Vega key fob for an online christmas secret santa gift. I had very little information to work from, little cash and an afternoon to make this. It didnt turn out as nice as I was hoping for, but it was a learning curve either way.
Crafterella featured Wrought Iron Key Fob 21 Jan 23:00
DeadGirl favorited Wrought Iron Key Fob 14 Jan 07:12
Glittering Edge (Greg) replied to a comment on his project Wrought Iron Key Fob 13 Jan 01:52
Cat Morley commented on Wrought Iron Key Fob 12 Jan 08:24
Glittering Edge (Greg) published his project Wrought Iron Key Fob 12 Jan 08:24

Cat Morley
London, GB
1432 projects
That's so cool Greg, I'd love to come and see you work sometime!

Glittering Edge
Edinburgh, Scotland, GB
18 projects
Thanks! It would be great to have you visit - we are currently going through workshop turmoil, but that should be sorted out by March/April, so after that point we should perhaps organise something?