(Wrist tied) pin cushion made from scrap fabric & skin crème jar
Okay, it's not the most beautiful fabric, but that doesn't really matter for a simple pin cushion.
BTW, I know my "paint drawings" aren't the most artistic ones you've ever seen, but I hope they make clear what I'm trying to tell.
- Crafterella added (Wrist Tied) Pin Cushion to Crafterella 23 Jul 11:18
- Youghurt Jaja favorited (Wrist Tied) Pin Cushion 08 Aug 00:39
Step 9
Glue around the upper edge of the jar and put the cushion into the jar. If your cushion is not big enough to touch the bottom AND raise above the edge, be sure not to push it too deep, because then it wont raise above the edge of the jar. You can also put some extra stuffing under the cushion for preventing it to sink to the bottom.
Tada! You're finished and you've made TWO completely free pin cushions.
15 projects
I made something like this with out the jar and i have to say, it is the most useful thing ever
15 projects
I made something like this with out the jar and i have to say, it is the most useful thing ever