I really like making these. The are easy and very versatile.
Amalie entered her project Wrap Bracelet to Harmonees Creations 10 Jan 16:29
You Will Need
bhvgchf posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Katy K.
Thank you so very much, Amalie. Have a Blessed Day. Hugs.

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, DK
17 projects
you're welcome c:

Katy K.
Hi I would love the directions step by step pictures how to make these bracelets. Have a great day.

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, DK
17 projects
i can take some pictures if you like but i made it from a tutorial which has a step by step how to and pictures. there is a link over the "about" but here's another link http://www.makeitandfakeit.com/2012/05/better-instructor-moi.html