A simple mobile that your baby won't be able to stop looking at.
- amanda.shillito favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 16 Dec 16:35
- kyrabiddinger k. favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 23 Jan 07:08
- Pure and Noble favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 22 Jan 19:33
- Alex B. favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 25 Dec 22:19
- Witchy favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 23 Oct 22:51
- Kim D. favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 20 Sep 13:33
- Oxie101 B. favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 06 Aug 22:03
- ForestFolk favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 04 Aug 09:48
- sian.emilyy favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 03 Aug 11:42
- WhereTheWildThingsAre favorited Wooden Tree Mobile 02 Aug 23:08
You Will Need
Step 1
Take the veneer and start cutting trees in a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The wood is thin enough that you can just use scissors but very fragile so be prepared for some throw aways. We freehanded the trees so they would have a slightly wonky look but for a more uniform look, you can use a stencil.
Step 3
Take the monofilament or wire and string and knot through the small hole you created. Trim to desired length than knot around the embroidery hoop. Once you get a few on there, have someone hold the hoop up or balance it on a chair to keep the wire from getting tangled. Vary trees around the entire circumference until you’re satisfied with how it looks.
Knot wire to opposite sides of the hoop and hang from a ceiling hook.