Make your own wizard wand!
Make a wizard wand...for video (slide show) version, go to ThePotterPals channel on Youtube.com
Key West Witch added Wizard Wand to Witchcraft: Athames 20 Mar 21:24
Step 1
Glue the wooden ball to one end of the dowel. Make sure it will not fall off.
Step 2
Paint the wand any way you want.
Step 3
Let the wand dry.
Step 4
Cut a long piece of string.
Step 5
Find the center of the string you just cut and glue it to the wand near the ball.
Step 6
Wind the string around the wand handle criss-crossing the strings as you go.
Step 7
When you reach the end of the handle, tie the string in a knot.
Step 8
Glue the knot to the wand, and you are done!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US
5 projects
this tutorial explains how to make a wand easier than other tuts i have seen! now i need to get a dowel....