Wire wrapped silver heart necklace strung with fertility enhancing crystals
Creating a baby is the ultimate expression of Love!
After battling with infertility for over two years I turned to alternative therapies to try and create our much wanted baby. Crystal Healing is my latest trial and it inspired me to create some jewellery.
The wire wrapped heart is made of high quality silver plated wire and it has the fertility boosting Rose Quartz, Moonstone and Amethyst.
This gorgeous design is also available for sale in my Etsy store!
Rebecca M. favorited Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals 10 Jun 16:41
Shari K. favorited Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals 08 Feb 21:41
Nena favorited Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals 23 Oct 21:05
isadora.russo.1 added Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals to PP Ideas 05 Dec 08:16
miranda.mclaughlin favorited Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals 21 Nov 06:19
Feisty Fidget entered her project Wire Wrapped Heart With Healing Crystals to All You Knit Is Love 23 Feb 15:45
Feisty Fidget posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!

Feisty Fidget
6 projects
Thanks hon, here's to hoping! At least I can have an excuse to wear killer jewellery in the process ;)

Vermin Jerky
San Diego, California, US
22 projects
Best of luck to you and your husband or partner in your quest to have a baby. I hope you find something that works for you, or nature just decides to be more cooperative.