wide-necked shirt with buttons for detail, made from old t-shirt
I've had an old t-shirt lying around my house just waiting for me to do something, so I finally took pity on it and decided to do something simple but interesting. :D this is my first How-to, I hope everyone likes it!!
catarina n. favorited Wide Neck T Shirt Recon With Buttons 13 Sep 12:38
Amanda B. favorited Wide Neck T Shirt Recon With Buttons 27 Aug 01:06
Step 4
So, now that you've cut your T-shirt, try it on quickly to see how it fits. If you'd like a more smooth finish you can hem the neckline, but I'm just going to be lazy and not do anything. The Next step is to pick out the buttons you want to put on the shirt and where you want to put them. I have a peanut butter jar filled with buttons so I chose a few random ones, but you can get some really pretty ones from the extra buttons you get from buying clothing or from vintage and fabric stores.
Step 6
and we are completely done!
I was thinking about cuffing the sleeves, so if you would like to try that out go ahead! Thanks so much for following the How-to!