Easily the best frosting you will ever use
This is one of my absolute favorite recipes. It surpasses any store bought frosting by miles and it is REALLY easy. Use it as a filling or to frost a cake. Its like eating fluffy, creamy chocolate chips.
KelliDroze added Whipped Chocolate Ganache Frosting to Ingredients 27 Oct 23:51
You Will Need
Step 1
Place the chocolate chips in a Kitchenaid or mixing bowl.
Step 2
Heat the heavy cream in a microwavable container and microwave for 3 to 4 minutes on high, or until it just begins to simmer. Don't let the cream boil over.
Step 3
Pour the cream over the chocolate chips and let stand for about 10 minutes. The chocolate chips should be softened at this point.
Step 4
Mix using an electric mixer for 3-4 minutes, or until the frosting is the consistency that you want.