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.... I need a life. Interesting original project, created by me :)
This is a tutorial for a dress I made out of a turtuleneck. (Preferably for the small-boobed ;) ) This is also my first tutorial, so please feel free to leave comments on how bad I suck at this stuff XD

Pictures coming soon since Im too lazy to get off my iTouch. And if you are impatient well..... I guess you'll just have to suffer. Sucks for you! XD

Posted by <HTML ERROR> Published See <HTML ERROR>'s 3 projects »
  • How to recycle a sweater into a dress. When A Turtleneck Wants To Become A Dress... - Step 1
    Step 1

    Step 1-
    Remove neck part of turtleneck. See if it fits you. If it doesn't, we'll get to that part soon ;)

    Tip- Turn turtleneck insideout when cutting and cut the seam connecting the neck and the shirt part.

  • How to recycle a sweater into a dress. When A Turtleneck Wants To Become A Dress... - Step 2
    Step 2

    Step 2-
    Cut off sleves, and make the two pieces of shirt into a decent square or triangular shape. (If you chose the triangular shape, cut it so that at the top you can fit it around your waist and the rest flares out from there.

    Now if your neck was too small, take of of the sleeves and use fabric from that to make the neck bigger/longer.

  • How to recycle a sweater into a dress. When A Turtleneck Wants To Become A Dress... - Step 3
    Step 3

    Step 3-
    Turn everything insideout so the wong side is facing out. Wow I probably didn't need to explain that thouroghly (< Now spell check decides not to work! :( ) but Im procrastinating XD Sew the neck and the body back together.

    (Orange = inside out)

  • How to recycle a sweater into a dress. When A Turtleneck Wants To Become A Dress... - Step 4
    Step 4

    Step 4-
    Add zipper (Optional). Smile, and be proud that you actually kinda sortof understood my directions! :D And everyone will watch in shock as you think about all of th money you now have to blow off on candy! :D

    "Oh my! My dress suddenly turned blue!"



Susanna P.
Susanna P. · Rome, Lazio, IT · 43 projects
the last draawing made me rofl Happy
I have the perfect turtleneck for this so.. I'd like to see some pics too ^__^
<HTML ERROR> · 3 projects
Thanks for the comments! ^_^ Haha I'm a nobb at sewing and I have no boobs but I still had to add fabric too. I'll try putting up some pictures this weekend while procrastinating for studying for finals Tongue
The Twins
The Twins · 9 projects
amazed for pics!
well... uhum....of course the turtle neck wouldnt fit my...well...super-duper....uhm big... boobs...uhum..... well...at least i will tell nobody, that its the neck of the turleneck, that fits other parts of my body too....Tongue
20Pennie 2.
20Pennie 2. · 2 projects
Sounds really cute!!! Happy I totally will have to try it!!! ....once I am done with all my million other projects that I started :\ Tongue But yeah can't wait for pics!! Happy

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