Take a portion of your colored clay (approx. two cm in diameter) and roll it into a ball.
Step 2
Shape the ball into a cone. What I do is roll the ball at an angle against the palm of my hand using my fingers.
Step 3
Place the whale on a table or flat surface and press gently from the top. This is to flatten the bottom of the whale so it can stand on it’s own without rolling away.
Step 4
Next, curl the narrow end of the cone up...
Step 5
at about a ninety degree angle.
Step 6
Now roll two small balls of colored clay, about o.5 cm in diameter.
Step 7
We are going to turn them into a leaf like shape. To start off, simply pinch one end of one of the ball’s:
Step 8
Then flatten:
Step 9
And shape the other ball.
Step 10
Now gently press the narrow end of these against the narrow end of the whale:
Step 11
Step 12
Now attach the other one.
Step 13
Now curl the tail forward...
Step 14
this will make the tail stronger and less likely to break:
Step 15
Now roll a super tiny ball of colored clay, about 2-4 mm thick.
Step 16
Flatten it until it is about 1 mm thick.
Step 17
Gently press it on top of your whale.
Step 18
Next, using your toothpick poke a hole in the center of the clay you just attached.
Step 19
Now your whale has a spout : )
Step 20
Now roll two tiny balls of black clay, around 1-2 mm thick.
Step 21
These will be the eyes. Now, gently press them on the face of your whale.
Step 22
Now your whale is complete!
Step 23
It’s also fun to play around with sizes and colors:
Yeah! I made a (bigger) version of your whale..
When I have new batteries for my camera I'll put it online.
I love the simplicity of this whale-project.
When I have new batteries for my camera I'll put it online.
I love the simplicity of this whale-project.
CO + K User