Build some outdoor fun!
My son and I found the perfect tree for a rope swing! I’ve been making these for years and donating them to school fairs, etc. Now we finally have one in our yard.
Find the perfect tree, create a seat using ready made pieces, and you'll have a summer full of outdoor fun!
Mistress Nora of Madness favorited Watermelon Rope Swing 22 Nov 23:16
Harmonee.seal added Watermelon Rope Swing to Gardening Fun 18 Feb 17:25
Harmonee.seal favorited Watermelon Rope Swing 18 Feb 17:25
Summer O. favorited Watermelon Rope Swing 17 May 07:10
cornelia.featherstone favorited Watermelon Rope Swing 09 Mar 22:43
Jennifer T. published her project Watermelon Rope Swing 29 Oct 06:00